Have you ever considered how chiropractic care can improve your health, fitness, and athletic performance? A Sports Injury Chiropractor in Encino, CA, can help with this, even if you don’t have a sports injury. If you’re interested in getting the most out of your body and mind, read on to learn more about chiropractic treatment.

The Hidden Health Benefits of Sports Injury Chiropractic Care
Have you ever considered how chiropractic care can improve your health, fitness, and athletic performance? A Sports Injury Chiropractor in Encino, CA, can help with this, even if you don’t have a sports injury. If you’re interested in getting the most out of your body and mind, read on to learn more about chiropractic treatment.
If you are injured, it means your body needs repair
A chiropractor can help by manipulating your back and neck to restore proper alignment. This, in turn, allows muscles to relax and reduces pain. It’s a common misconception that spinal manipulation causes pain or discomfort; it doesn’t—it alleviates it. And not just in your spine! For example, when you twist your ankle during a game of basketball, where does that pain manifest? In your lower leg (and sometimes even upper portion) muscles.
Ankle injuries, arm pain, and arthritis, for example, are common sports injuries. sports injuries can affect your body, especially if you are playing a contact sport. Even sports that don’t seem like they would be dangerous—such as swimming or cycling—can cause injuries to your back and neck if performed incorrectly.
Here’s how chiropractic treatment can help
A chiropractor can treat back injuries, joint pain, headaches, and other symptoms. Even if you’re not suffering from any of these conditions specifically, your overall health will benefit from regular chiropractic treatments. For instance, a good chiropractor in Encino, CA, can prevent future injuries by realigning your muscles and joints so that they don’t overwork and put undue stress on other areas of your body.
How do I know if I need a sports injury chiropractor?
You don’t have to be an athlete to benefit from chiropractic treatment. Our Encino, CA clinic treats patients with various physical ailments that stem from spine and nervous system problems. If you’re dealing with chronic pain—or your soreness is growing more intense over time—our sports injury chiropractor can help ease your discomfort and enhance your overall health.

Are there any side effects to sports injuries chiropractic care?
While you may be concerned about adverse side effects when considering sports injuries chiropractic care, rest assured that there are almost none. On rare occasions, it’s possible to experience muscle soreness or weakness following treatment. If you have a health condition or history of severe trauma, talk to your doctor before scheduling an appointment. For most people, however, there are no harmful consequences whatsoever.
How does sports injury chiropractic treatment work?
When you get a sports injury, it’s easy to focus on treating whatever specific part is injured. But it’s just as essential to take preventative measures to avoid future problems—and that includes seeing a chiropractor. A local chiropractor can provide sports injury chiropractic care and help your body recover from injury faster. They may also detect underlying issues or imbalances that are making you more prone to damage in general—and can help treat those too.
What kinds of problems do sports injury chiropractors treat?
If you think sports injury chiropractors only treat injuries, you’re in for a surprise. While sports injury chiropractors are more than capable of helping you with your specific health problems, their job description goes beyond just that. That’s because they treat not just injuries but also prevent them from happening in the first place. They do so by using hands-on therapy to release trigger points and work out muscle kinks to realign your body.
Sports injuries chiropractor in Encion, CA treats a wide range of ailments, including:
- Back pain
- Neck pain
- Knee Pain
- Shoulder Pain
- Tennis elbow
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Sciatica
- Whiplash
- Headaches and migraines
Our Encion, CA clinic offers a full range of services to help you recover from your injury.
Should I see a back pain chiropractor before going to the orthopedist?
A sports injury chiropractor can determine if your problem originates in your back and advise what course of action you should take. If there’s no indication that your back is to blame for your discomfort, they will direct you to a different type of doctor.
Our sports chiropractic therapy treatment will come to you, whether you live in the Encino or surrounding areas.
M. Nariman Gabay, a premier chiropractor in Encino with specialized training in treating sports injuries! Let us fix your chronic pain without the use of surgery or drugs.
If you are experiencing any of the sports injury-related symptoms, call our Clinic in Encino today and schedule an appointment. We may be able to help you reduce your pain and live a healthier life.